Kadhafi promises to “crush” the allies

16 Jul

The Libyan leader has condemned the “cowardly” allies and promised to defend the “dignity” of his people.

Muammar Gaddafi does not disarm. The day after a night of heavy bombing carried out by the international coalition, the Libyan leader predicted a “long war” on Sunday during a televised address.

“We are victorious, you are the losers. We do not have to retreat from the battlefield because we defend our land and our dignity,” insisted the Libyan leader in a message but no sound appear on the screen. “They hide behind the sea to send missiles and aircraft,” he added. “They dare not go into the field to fight. They are cowards and they will be beaten anyway. That`s for sure. They will be slaughtered as was Hitler, Napoleon and Mussolini. Like all invaders, they will be crushed. ”

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“We have the breath. We will fight you. We will not let you our land,” continued the Colonel Gaddafi who now seems determined to occupy the land media. This speech, the second since the start of the international military operation was followed by his son, Seif al-Islam.

Propaganda, father and son … The West has been deceived by a “big misunderstanding” about the political situation in Libya, said Seif al-Islam on the ABC. “The whole country is united against the armed militias and terrorists. The Americans and other Westerners are currently supporting terrorists and armed militias.” “It`s a big misunderstanding,” he said in dismissing the possibility that his father left office.

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“Yesterday we were surprised that the Americans, British and French have attacked Libya, have attacked five towns”. “It`s a big surprise that Obama finally, we thought a good man and a friend of the Arab world, bombed Libya,” added the son of Libyan leader.

Karachi: hearings and Hortefeux Cope?

16 Jul

Counsel for the families of victims of the attack in Karachi on Monday asked the hearing of Jean-Francois Cope and Hortefeux after a newspaper article about their alleged links with an intermediary in arms contracts, Ziad Takkiedine at the heart of investigations by magistrates in Paris.

The information website publishes photos of Mediapart Ziad Takkiedine with the two men, one of the show in August 2003 with their wives before the yacht of businessman and one of Jean-Francois Cope in the pool of the villa of Ziad Takieddine. According to the site, Ziad Takieddine took over several trips to Jean-Francois Cope and his wife, especially in Lebanon in October 2003 when the current head of the UMP was Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament. Jean-Francois Cope acknowledged to the site have been invited as part of “strictly friendly relations” with Ziad Takieddine and Hortefeux said he went “once or twice at home.”

“I ask the hearing of MM. Cope, Hortefeux and Charon and their wives by the judge and the judges Trévidic Van Ruymbeke and the Loire,” said the lawyer for the families of victims of the attack in Karachi, Me Olivier Morice.

SENS (Yonne)

16 Jul

SENS is a French commune, capital district, located 120 km southeast of Paris in the department of Yonne (89) (which is the sub-prefecture) and the Burgundy region. Our city is on the border of three regions: Ile-de-France, Champagne-Ardenne and the Centre and is crossed by the Yonne and the valve. It is at the heart of the plain of Sens.

SENS is a French commune, capital district, located 120 km southeast of Paris in the department of Yonne (89) (which is the sub-prefecture) and the Burgundy region. Our city is on the border of three regions: Ile-de-France, Champagne-Ardenne and the Centre and is crossed by the Yonne and the valve. It is at the heart of the plain of Sens.

The city has about 30,000 inhabitants. Its inhabitants are called the Sens and Sénonaises. The community of communes of about 57,000 inhabitants.

This is the second city of the department of Yonne and the sixth town in the Burgundy region. The city is awarded the distinction Grand Prix and four flowers in the 2007 winners of the competition of cities and villages in bloom in particular through its landscaped park “The Mill Tan” and its emissions of tropical flowers.

His district is experiencing population growth to over 100 000 inhabitants in 2009. He realizes the fastest growing of Burgundy on the 15 previous years (over 1% per year). The Sens represents 30% of the Yonne for 23% of the territory.

City of art and history in Burgundy, Sens has many architectural treasures. The Gothic cathedral St. Etienne, Palais Synodal the Basilica of St. Savinien, a covered market of the nineteenth century, an 1905 town hall, houses half-timbered mansions, and various …

Real estate activity:

Meaning of the property market and the region is very dynamic especially through some 5000 Sens who travel every day in Paris. The region attracts more especially in the Paris of the Essonne region and Marne La Vallée. The proximity of the capital and the timing of the TER (Regional Express Train) only accentuates the asset to the city.

The elected representatives of the various bodies do not make a mistake and three new craft and commercial areas do attract more people.

The housing market is composed mostly of bungalows and houses with old homes but often restored.

The campaign, mostly inhabited homes becomes more and more with young first-time buyers and we see revival of small villages …

The prices for investment:

Average selling price:

2 rooms: € 75 000

4 rooms: € 122 000

3 rooms: € 88 000

Detached house: € 158 000

Rental fee:

Studio: € 300

2 rooms: € 430

3 rooms: 520 €


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4 Jul

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